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What Word Would You Use to Describe 2020?

In 2020, we have all learned something about ourselves through the difficulties we've experienced. If we could assign one word to the year, the word we would chose would be: Resilience. Resilience is described as the capacity to recover quickly from difficulties. Through supporting and collaborating with each other, we have learned to strengthen the resiliency in ourselves and in each other. Every year, here at Account Ability Consulting Inc., we like to make a charitable contribution at yearend in lieu of mailing paper cards. This year, we have chosen to contribute to the Cape Cod Resilience Fund. This fund provides economic relief through direct grants to the region's most vulnerable local businesses facing financial hardship due to the economic shutdown and continued slowdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We would like to thank Live.Love.Local for making this relief fund possible, and for supporting the backbone of our vibrant community.

Visit Cape Cod Resilience Fund Let's continue supporting one another, come what may in 2021. Sincerely, Susan Cook

Account Ability Consulting, Inc.

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